The limestone peace pole shown above has the word Peace in 100 languages. I also make a version with larger text that has the word Peace in 42 languages.

Hi Joel,
The families and survivors of the Pulse Tragedy gathered today at our church and placed rainbow pinwheels in the path to peace garden around our peace pole. . . Our Peace Pole stood tall today as a witness to peace within our community. We are grateful for your art.
-Phyllis Stopford – Orlando

A limestone peace pole is in the center of a U-shaped high school in Illinois where, when there is an altercation, the students are told to take it out to the peace pole and figure out how to live together.

Above is a 14 language peace pole being prepared to ship to UCLA. To see their dedication video click here.
I make symbolic stone peace poles in configurations that range in price from $6,500 to $12,500.

The most economical ones have the single word for Peace in either 43 translations in large type (listed below) or 100 translations in small type (like the image at the top of the page).
Price . . . $6,500 (free shipping)
Call or text me at 513-348-4744
For a few dollars more are full phrases of your choice:
Price . . . $7,400 (free shipping)
7 translations included. Additional translations are $200 each. 2 translations can fit on each side for a total of 14.
All symbolic limestone peace poles are 7 feet tall after planting.
Text or call 513-348-4744
The 43 languages on the single-word peace pole with large type are: Albanian, Algonquin, Amharic, Arabic, BosnianSerbianCroatianMontenegro (all 4 use the same word), Cambodian, Cherokee, DanishSwedishNorwegain, English, French, German, Hebrew, Hindi, Indonesian, Irish, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, Navajo, Nepali, PersianUrdu, Polish, RussianBulgarianUkrainain, Scottish, Sinhalese, Somali, SpanishPortugese, Swahili, Tagalog, Thai, Tibetan, Turkish, Vietnamese, Yoruba.
A peace pole with single words for Peace in languages of your choice is $9,500. I also offer them with the choices already made to make them more affordable.
To sign up for my infrequent Newsletter, click here.
Planting – Installing
For installation instructions click here, but all that is required is a 31-inch-deep post hole to install limestone monuments for peace. No cement is necessary. Once the symbolic limestone peace pole is in it, tamp the earth that came out of the hole back in around it. If you put sand or gravel in there instead, that would attract moisture from the surrounding soil, which would not be good. It is best to make the peace pole more or less invisible in the soil by having what is holding it up just be more of the same soil surrounding it.
Stone Peace Pole Delivery
How to unload a limestone peace pole when there is no loading dock.
Lift Gate Delivery

If you don’t have a loading dock, your stone peace pole will arrive on a truck that has a lift gate.

This gate can lower your peace monument made of limestone onto a couple of your furniture dollies, one under each end of the crate.

Someone in your circle has furniture dollies. People keep them in their garages and basements forever once they use them.

I bought furniture dollies like this from Harbor Freight 20 years ago and they still move heavy weights fine.

Depending on the smoothness of the pavement and the experience of the people, it can be helpful to have at least three people rolling it. I move them by myself, but I have had practice.

When the Simi Valley United Methodist Church in California received their symbolic limestone peace pole, they took these photos so that they could be posted here to show you how it is done. Wasn’t that nice of them?
As can be seen in the photo of the UCLA peace pole higher on this page, underneath the side panels the crate has rails so that a dozen people can pick it up and carry it. Although, one person with a pickup truck hauled one away and, with two buddies, transported it a long way across a lawn by putting it on two furniture dollies and rolling it across two pieces of plywood, picking up the rear piece and moving it in front over and over until they reached the site.